Staffordshire University
英国欧盟UK/EU fees £9,000
国际学生Fees (international) £10,000
College Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2DE
Performance |
Score 数值 |
Ranking 排名 |
2015 Times Ranking |
2015年泰晤士报排名 |
101 |
2014 Times Ranking |
2014年泰晤士报排名 |
108 |
World Ranking |
世界排名 |
Student satisfaction |
学生满意度 |
81.2% |
77 |
Research quality |
研究质量 |
1% |
110 |
Ucas entry points |
本科录取水平 |
273 |
117 |
Graduate prospects |
毕业生展望 |
55.9% |
105 |
Firsts and 2:1s |
1等及2等1学位比例 |
58.5% |
102 |
Completion rate |
完成度 |
80.8% |
100 |
Student-staff ratio |
学生-老师比 |
17.7:1 |
61 |
Services/facilities spend |
服务/设施花费 |
£1,416 |
77 |
Graduate salaries |
毕业生起薪 |
£18,073 |
Sports points/rank |
体育 |
208 |
87 |
Social mix |
学生情况 |
Score数值 |
Undergraduate (full-time) |
本科全日制人数 |
10,470 |
Postgraduate (full-time) |
研究生全日制人数 |
1,100 |
Applications/places |
申请人数/录取人数 |
16,065/3,700 |
Applications/places ratio |
申请录取率 |
4.3:1 |
EU students |
欧盟学生 |
2.4% |
Other overseas students |
海外学生 |
1.4% |
Mature |
成年学生 |
32.5% |
State school educated |
公立学校教育 |
98.3% |
Middle class/working class |
中产/工薪比率 |
56.3/43.7 |
Student satisfaction 学生满意度 |
Subject |
科目领域 |
% |
Accounting & Finance |
会计金融 |
85.0 |
Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering |
航空和制造工程 |
74.5 |
Archaeology |
考古学 |
84.2 |
Art & Design |
艺术设计 |
88.2 |
Biological Science |
生物科学 |
81.1 |
Business Studies |
商务研究 |
80.7 |
Communication & Media Studies |
传媒和媒体研究 |
75.4 |
Computer Science |
计算机科学 |
80.7 |
Creative Writing |
创造性写作 |
82.1 |
Drama, Dance & Cinematics |
戏剧舞蹈和电影研究 |
82.1 |
Economics |
经济学 |
80.2 |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
电子电气工程 |
81.3 |
English |
英语 |
77.5 |
Geography & Environmental Science |
地理和环境科学 |
81.3 |
History |
历史 |
86.6 |
Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism |
酒店休闲娱乐和旅游 |
73.0 |
Law |
法律 |
78.6 |
Mechanical Engineering |
机械工程 |
76.8 |
Nursing |
护理 |
82.1 |
Philosophy |
哲学 |
79.0 |
Psychology |
心理学 |
85.9 |
Social Work |
社会工作 |
76.3 |
Sociology |
社会学 |
78.5 |
Sport Science |
体育科学 |
89.2 |
Subjects allied to medicine |
医学相关 |
82.6 |
学校有许多的大型图书馆,如College road上的Thompon图书馆和Leek road上的法律图书馆,Thompon图书馆是学校最大的图书馆,向学生提供期刊、文集、图书、DVD\CE等借阅服务,也配有电脑供学生书用。一般上午8点开门,下午3点关门。
斯托克校区的综合诊所在Federation House里,据学校最近的医院在Sainsburys,一天长时间开放。在新生开学入住时,学校就建议学生登记一个私人医生。斯塔福德校区也有一个外科医药诊所,它也对所有公众开放。
斯托克的每个校区都有一家商店,营业时间为早上8点到晚上6点,学校周围还有许多像书报亭一样规模的商店,卖零食、饮料等。距College Road上的校区30米处还有一家Bargain Booze。那里最大的超市是Sainsburys,旁边还有一家Lidi,从Leed road走五分钟就可以到。斯塔福德校区周围最近的超市是ASDA,从宿舍步行5分钟就可以到了。
学校的内部并没有银行的支行,但是在斯塔福德校区Beacon Building的主入口处有一个免费的自动取款机,斯托克两个校区SU Shop旁也各有一个。校区内其他的自动取款机就不是免费的了,要收1.5英镑的交易费。
Students from deprived areas and with lowest household incomes, 500 bursaries of £200 cash and £800 accommodation discount or support for travel costs or institutional services in year 1; £100 and £400 in years 2 and 3.
大学概况University Profile
Staffordshire is to concentrate most of its activities on Stoke-on-Trent and by September 2016, only the highly-rated nursing and midwifery degrees and other courses in paramedic and public health will remain on the Stafford campus.
Timescales are still to be finalised but students beginning degrees in computing and entertainment technology in 2015 may start their courses in Stafford and move after the first year.
Professor Michael Gunn, the vice-chancellor, said concentration made economic sense and would offer the best possible student experience. “Students generally show a preference for an edge-of-city campus with brilliant learning and teaching facilities, good public transport links and social activities – all of which we have in Stoke-on-Trent.”
Staffordshire’s engineering provision has already moved to Stoke last year and the university is planning further development there. The aim is to create an award-winning, teaching-led university by 2017, with a focus on employability, enterprise and entrepreneurialism.
The reorganisation follows a review of the university’s academic portfolio. A £30m science block opened on the Stoke campus in 2012 in order to create a focal point to help drive up the numbers of young people in the region opting to study science, maths and engineering subjects, where career prospects are good.
Staffordshire is at the heart of Stoke’s University Quarter project, which is designed to transform the South Sheldon area as well as encouraging greater participation in higher education. The university has made a commitment to students and employers through the Staffordshire Graduate programme to ensure that, alongside their academic learning, all students are equipped with employability skills. From 2015-16 for the first time, fees for all undergraduate courses will be £9,000.
The university’s two main existing sites both have modern halls of residence, sports centres and lively students’ union venues. Some £12m has already been invested in the Stoke campus to create a more attractive study environment with dedicated student spaces, exhibition areas, cafes and landscaping. Much larger sums will follow to ensure that the campus can comfortably accommodate the extra students.
There is a 25-acre nature reserve – part of the university’s sustained green commitment – as well as a business village offering affordable business space for start-up companies. The teacher training programmes, which rank in the top 30 in the Good Teacher Training guide, are based on a third site in Lichfield.
The site houses an integrated further and higher education centre, developed in partnership with South Staffordshire College, as well as business start-up units.
There are also 15,000 students taking Staffordshire courses outside the UK, almost half of them located around the Pacific Rim. They now make up more than a third of the university’s global intake, adding to a growing cohort of international students on the university’s UK campuses.
Staffordshire is a pioneer of two-year fast-track degrees, which are now offered in accounting and finance, computing science, business, English and law. There already was an extensive portfolio of two-year Foundation degrees, largely taught by the university’s UK partners, which include the National Design Academy.
With almost all of its undergraduates state-educated and 44% coming from working-class homes Staffordshire exceeds all the benchmarks for the breadth of its intake. There is good provision for students with disabilities and more than one undergraduate in five comes from areas with little participation in higher education, one of the biggest proportions in the country.
The downside is the dropout rate, which, although improving, was projected at more than 18% in the latest survey - well above the national average for the university’s courses and entry qualifications.
Staffordshire entered only a small proportion of its academics for the last research assessments, but has made a larger submission to the Research Excellence Framework, whose results are due at the end of 2014. Applied research has led to the development of new products in markets as diverse as medical technology and recycling.
Stoke is not the liveliest city of its size, but the University Quarter is attracting more social and leisure facilities. The campus is within easy reach of the city centre and has a buzzing students’ union. Stafford is the more attractive setting and offers a better chance of a residential place, but the town is quiet and the campus is a mile and a half outside it.
Sports facilities are good and will see more investment as numbers on the Stoke campus rise. Good coaching has helped attract some outstanding athletes, who have access to a sports performance centre to help with training schedules, psychological support and dietary assessments.
学生观点Student view
Mel Ramsay, students’ union president
First impressions
We have massive introductions at the halls where students meet everyone they will be living with.
Worst feature
You don’t get the city feel because Stoke is a bunch of towns shoved together, but our campus is a breath of fresh air in terms of activity.
Making a difference
I was homeless, so the university became my home and I got bursaries, counselling services as well as a job at the student bar.
Deal clincher
We’re one of the cheapest places for student accommodation in the country.