Southampton Solent University
学费Tuition Fee
英国欧盟UK/EU fees £9,000
实习/海外年Fees (placement/overseas year) £1,350/£1,350
国际学生Fees (international) £10,080-£11,140
East Park Terrace, Southampton, SO14 0YN
Performance |
Score 数值 |
Ranking 排名 |
2015 Times Ranking |
2015年泰晤士报排名 |
115 |
2014 Times Ranking |
2014年泰晤士报排名 |
114 |
World Ranking |
世界排名 |
Student satisfaction |
学生满意度 |
77.2% |
116 |
Research quality |
研究质量 |
0.7 |
114 |
Ucas entry points |
本科录取水平 |
299 |
99 |
Graduate prospects |
毕业生展望 |
50.5% |
117 |
Firsts and 2:1s |
1等及2等1学位比例 |
61.1% |
91 |
Completion rate |
完成度 |
76.4% |
115 |
Student-staff ratio |
学生-老师比 |
18.8:1 |
80 |
Services/facilities spend |
服务/设施花费 |
£1,335 |
89 |
Graduate salaries |
毕业生起薪 |
£17,444 |
Sports points/rank |
体育 |
304 |
76 |
Social mix |
学生情况 |
Score数值 |
Undergraduate (full-time) |
本科全日制人数 |
10,155 |
Postgraduate (full-time) |
研究生全日制人数 |
165 |
Applications/places |
申请人数/录取人数 |
13,810/3,535 |
Applications/places ratio |
申请录取率 |
3.9:1 |
EU students |
欧盟学生 |
6.3% |
Other overseas students |
海外学生 |
6.8% |
Mature |
成年学生 |
21.4% |
State school educated |
公立学校教育 |
97.1% |
Middle class/working class |
中产/工薪比率 |
63.5/36.5 |
Student satisfaction 学生满意度 |
Subject |
科目领域 |
% |
Accounting & Finance |
会计金融 |
81.0 |
Anthropology |
人类学 |
80.1 |
Architecture |
建筑学 |
78.1 |
Art & Design |
艺术设计 |
76.5 |
Building |
建造学 |
64.2 |
Business Studies |
商务研究 |
78.1 |
Communication & Media Studies |
传媒和媒体研究 |
74.1 |
Computer Science |
计算机科学 |
76.0 |
Creative Writing |
创造性写作 |
70.6 |
Drama, Dance & Cinematics |
戏剧舞蹈和电影研究 |
76.0 |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
电子电气工程 |
82.5 |
English |
英语 |
91.7 |
Geography & Environmental Science |
地理和环境科学 |
78.2 |
Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism |
酒店休闲娱乐和旅游 |
77.2 |
Law |
法律 |
75.0 |
Music |
音乐 |
82.4 |
Psychology |
心理学 |
80.7 |
Social Work |
社会工作 |
80.5 |
Sport Science |
体育科学 |
84.6 |
大学拥有非常积极的体育和娱乐服务为学生提供各种各样的体育和娱乐活动,包括市中心的Health & Fitness Suite,和附近的Hardmoor Sports Ground。
大学共有3处地方提供计算机:图书馆、Andrews学习资源中心和James Mattews大楼,共提供600多台计算机和100台Mac计算机,开放到晚上9点。
学校要求所有学生都登记一个医生,在Lucia Foster Welch公寓有一个全科医疗站,处理日常的医疗服务。当然,学生还可以联系信息中心,寻找就近的诊所就医。
学校的职业中心可以帮助学生规划未来的职业。学生可以随时访问,处理一些例如检查简历之类的小问题,当然你还可以寻求更大的帮助,通常需要预约。服务中心在学生毕业三年之内都对学生开放。中心的job shop还会张贴当地和全国的全职工作信息。
职业中心的job shop也有各类兼职、临时和志愿工作信息。学生还可以在城里的各个商店和酒吧里找到工作信息。
城市中有许多体育和娱乐设施,如St Mary’s 体育馆,Rose Bowl 体育场等,能够组织主要的帆船和划艇比赛。无数的娱乐场所遍布城市的各个角落,包括一个大型游泳馆,学生可以享受优惠待遇。城西是the New Forest, 拥有145平方英里的开放的树丛,有许多小鹿和木马。Bournemouth的沙滩,Dorset优美的海岸线位于西南部,东部是历史上著名的Portsmouth军事城。
New bursary scheme to help with additional course costs in development for 2015–16.
Combined fee waiver and cash award for Foundation year students and for local students from low participation areas.
大学概况University Profile
The largest of the institutions to be awarded university status in the past 10 years, Southampton Solent also offers the widest range of programmes, stretching from further education courses to doctorates. It has an extensive range of ‘top-up’ and extended degrees; and multiple start dates for its courses.
The rebranded Solent Curriculum plays to the university’s strengths in "industry-focused" courses. Over 12,000 higher education students embrace a broad-based portfolio that covers business, technology, the creative industries, sport and maritime studies.
Students have the opportunity to work on projects for external clients and there is a strong representation of "non-traditional" disciplines, such as yacht and powercraft design, computer and video games, and music journalism and performance. The subject mix may be one reason that the former Southampton Institute is now one of the few universities with a majority of male students.
Typical of its external relationships is the 10-year association with the Glastonbury music festival. A team of 50 staff and students provided technical assistance this year, predominantly in the fields of film and production, this year running the festival’s digital media hub. Students involved are taking degrees in film; film and television production; media, culture and production; and popular music journalism, as well as other media technology courses.
Courses within the Faculty of the Creative Industries now attract almost as many students as the consistently popular business school. There are new music studios with an industry-standard recording complex, as well as a performance space and dance studio.
The Centre for Professional Development in Broadcasting and Multimedia Production includes an online editing suite, digital television studio and gallery, for use by undergraduates as well as community groups and professionals.
There is particularly strong demand for places in marine and maritime-based courses, which benefit from a world-renowned training and research facility for the superyacht, shipping and offshore oil industries.
The university is higher education’s premier yachting institution, with a world champion student team that has won the national championships four times in six years and alumni that have gone on to win Olympic and Paralympic gold medals. Three new boats support courses at the purpose-built Watersports Centre, where some activities are targeted towards disadvantaged young people.
The Lawrie McMenemy Centre for Football Research is helping to cement the university’s reputation for academic study of the sport and, having assumed responsibility for sport development in the city, Solent has also become the country’s largest provider of coaching education. A new School of Health, Exercise and Social Science was launched in 2013 to encourage collaboration in health and exercise science, social work and psychology.
Southampton Solent is in the middle of a £100m development programme on its city centre campus. The university has spent more than £40m expanding and improving its facilities over the last five years and is planning to invest another £59m over the next two decades.
A new £30m teaching and learning building will open in 2015 on a site that will extend the campus. Other recent developments include a ship handling centre, a media academy, a new site for the Southampton School of Art and Design and FA-accredited football facilities costing £4m that are used by the city’s Premier League team. The campus currently has few architectural pretensions, but is conveniently based in the centre of Southampton.
Solent recruits mainly in London and the south of England, a quarter of the HE students coming from Hampshire, but about 1,500 come from outside the UK. More than a third of the undergraduates come from working-class homes and 97% are state-educated.
Its support for students was recently identified as an example of best practice by the Quality Assurance Agency; the dropout rate has improved consistently over recent years, although it still stands at about one in six students, higher than the average for an institution of this type.
A Graduate Enterprise Centre provides advice and rent-free offices for those hoping to launch their own businesses, helping to bring about 40 start-ups from concept to securing financial backing. A Graduate Associate scheme provides employment places for about 100 recent graduates.
The university is held back in our league table by low satisfaction scores in the National Student Survey, where it remains in the bottom 10 in our analysis of the results published last month.
Solent also entered fewer academics for the last Research Assessment Exercise than any university in England – fewer than one in 10 of those eligible. But two of the three areas in which it made a submission contained some world-leading research and the university undertakes a wide range of applied research, as well as practice-based research in art and design.
Students like the university’s location, close to the city centre’s shopping area and growing complement of bars and nightclubs. There are more than 2,300 hall places, most of which are allocated to first years. Sports facilities include a sports hall and fitness suite on campus and outdoor pitches, tennis and netball courts four miles away.
学生观点Student view
Naomi Oiku, students’ union president
First impressions
Societies enhance the student experience, I wasn’t interested in radio but joined Radio Sonar and now want to pursue it as a career.
Worst feature
As well as fees there are so many hidden costs, from books to materials to graduation fees.
Making a difference
We are pushing students to vote in the general election so we have more say on things like hidden course costs.
Deal clincher
We have a huge range of media courses and an internationally acclaimed Warsash Maritime Academy for sea-based skills.