雷丁大学University of Reading
生活费/周Catered costs £131-£174
英国欧盟UK/EU fees £9,000
实习/海外年Fees (placement/overseas year) £1,350/£1,350
国际学生Fees (international) £13,230-£16,500
Whiteknights, PO Box 217, Reading, RG6 6AH
Performance |
Score 数值 |
Ranking 排名 |
2015 Times Ranking |
2015年泰晤士报排名 |
33 |
2014 Times Ranking |
2014年泰晤士报排名 |
35 |
World Ranking |
世界排名 |
202 |
Student satisfaction |
学生满意度 |
83.7% |
30 |
Research quality |
研究质量 |
22.7% |
27 |
Ucas entry points |
本科录取水平 |
376 |
44 |
Graduate prospects |
毕业生展望 |
71.8% |
42 |
Firsts and 2:1s |
1等及2等1学位比例 |
72.5% |
39 |
Completion rate |
完成度 |
91.4% |
31 |
Student-staff ratio |
学生-老师比 |
14.7:1 |
24 |
Services/facilities spend |
服务/设施花费 |
£1,594 |
55 |
Graduate salaries |
毕业生起薪 |
£20,112 |
Sports points/rank |
体育 |
730.5 |
43 |
Social mix |
学生情况 |
Score数值 |
Undergraduate (full-time) |
本科全日制人数 |
8,795 |
Postgraduate (full-time) |
研究生全日制人数 |
2,720 |
Applications/places |
申请人数/录取人数 |
21,820/3,150 |
Applications/places ratio |
申请录取率 |
6.9:1 |
EU students |
欧盟学生 |
4.7% |
Other overseas students |
海外学生 |
10.4% |
Mature |
成年学生 |
7.9% |
State school educated |
公立学校教育 |
84.9% |
Middle class/working class |
中产/工薪比率 |
76.7/23.3 |
Student satisfaction 学生满意度 |
Subject |
科目领域 |
% |
Accounting & Finance |
会计金融 |
87.0 |
Agriculture & Forestry |
农业和林业 |
85.6 |
Anatomy & Physiology |
解剖和生理学 |
82.0 |
Animal Science |
动物学 |
83.8 |
Archaeology |
考古学 |
88.2 |
Art & Design |
艺术设计 |
76.5 |
Biological Science |
生物科学 |
84.9 |
Building |
建造学 |
82.2 |
Business Studies |
商务研究 |
79.0 |
Chemistry |
化学 |
88.4 |
Classics & Ancient History |
古典和古代史 |
85.1 |
Computer Science |
计算机科学 |
78.2 |
Drama, Dance & Cinematics |
戏剧、舞蹈和电影研究 |
86.1 |
Economics |
经济学 |
81.0 |
Education |
教育 |
85.7 |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
电子电气工程 |
87.7 |
English |
英语 |
86.5 |
Food Science |
食品科学 |
81.8 |
French |
法语 |
74.8 |
Geography & Environmental Science |
地理和环境科学 |
79.9 |
German |
德语 |
83.3 |
History |
历史 |
86.3 |
History of Art, Architecture & Design |
艺术、建筑和设计史 |
86.9 |
Italian |
意大利语 |
88.7 |
Land & Property Management |
土地及产业管理 |
78.5 |
Law |
法律 |
85.0 |
Mathematics |
数学 |
87.5 |
Pharmacology and Pharmacy |
药理学和药剂学 |
86.1 |
Philosophy |
哲学 |
81.9 |
Politics |
政治 |
85.9 |
Psychology |
心理学 |
80.8 |
Subjects allied to medicine |
医学相关 |
84.4 |
Town & Country Planning & Landscape |
城市乡村规划及景观 |
82.2 |
雷丁大学亨利商学院(Henley Business School)成立于1945年,是英国第一所商学院,是英国女教职工比例最高,也是同时通过欧洲质量认证体系(EQUIS)、英国工商管理硕士协会(AMBA)和国际高等商学院协会(AACSB)“三重认证”的商学院。亨利商学院在金融时报(Financial Times)2013欧洲商学院排名上位居英国第16位,欧洲第53位。
雷丁大学在2013/14QS世界大学排名上位居世界第213位,在2013-14泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名上位居世界第194位 ,2013上海交大世界大学学术排名上位居世界第301-400位。
雷丁大学是一所国际性大学,海外学生来自于140多个国家,共有约1.7万名学生,其中约7700名是研究生。雷丁大学是一所国际大学,海外学生来自于140多个国家。雷丁大学特别重视科研与研究生教育,学校设有43个系,5大学科,近90%科研成果都被认定为达到了国际水平 (Research Assessment Exercise 2008)。
雷丁大学有一系列广泛的全日制学位课程,包括艺术、人文、科学和社会科学。学科和研究的专业领域有:农业、建设管理、园艺、控制论、气象学、房地产和印刷术,很少有其他学校提供类似的课程。雷丁大学有4个全国优质教学中心,其中2个是该校独立取得的(本科生应用研究和职业管理技能),另外2个是和其他英国大学合作完成的。雷丁大学的研究能力在全国乃至世界都得到认可,很多研究人员都获得了奖项。根据英国官方研究水平评估(RAE 2008),雷丁大学名列全英第40位,近90%的研究达到国际认可级别(2*)及以上。
雷丁位于泰晤士河流域的中心,在伦敦以西60公里处,是伯克郡府所在地和英国乡村环境最美的城市,同时还是一座经济发达,社会稳定,历史悠久的城市。 城市的历史可以追溯到700年前,并且在英国历史上扮演了非常重要的角色。著名的英国国王亨利一世(King Henry I)便埋葬在这里。这里还是英国拥有修道院最多的城市,很多著名的修道院都建在这个城市。雷丁大学地处在温暖的英格兰东南部,在伦敦西部60公里处,可直接到达伦敦的希思罗国际机场。M4高速公路在距离学校一公里处沿理丁直达伦敦市区中心。由于城市位于英国经济发展最迅速的东南部地区,因此,雷丁的经济十分发达,其良好的投资环境吸引来很多的国内外的商业公司,并成为英国主要的零售中心之一。
雷丁大学亨利商学院是享誉欧洲和世界的商学院,也是英国的第一所商学院,在金融时报(Financial Times)2013欧洲商学院排名上位居欧洲第53位。学院下设的的ICMA中心(International Capital Market Association Centre),为欧洲领先的证券市场与投资银行实务的商学院。ICMA Centre拥有全欧洲最大规模的仿真交易室(INVEST dealing rooms),由Bloomberg、CNBC、IBM、Reuters及Telerate赞助,为提供学生最新的设备以及最详细完整的价量数据。学生通过系统可以更加灵活和真实的掌握当今金融市场的理论知识和发展动向。
学生服务中心(SMSC)提供各个方面的咨询和资讯服务。中心还有一批在某些领域具有专门知识的咨询人员,提供如国际事务、住房、健康、资助和学术问题方面的咨询。如果中心无法为学生提供所需的资讯,中心人员会求助于校外团体或者是学校的某个部门, 如卫生中心、咨询处、就业咨询处和住宿处等。雷丁大学开展特点显著、自主主动的校内体育运动计划以使所有学生都有机会参加体育锻炼。长年累月,该大学都开展各种社会性体育活动,例如7人制橄榄球、5人制足球或使6人制曲棍球比赛。
入学奖学金(绝大多数的本科课程学科):1,000 英镑
Duan-Zu管理硕士奖学金: 全额学费以及价值4,000英镑的生活费减免
O2 市场营销和国际管理硕士奖学金:价值1,000 – 6,000英镑的学费减免
智能建筑硕士奖学金:价值 2,000英镑
政治和国际研究院 (GIPIS)的博士奖学金:全日制博士课程的支持
Ash Amin —剑桥大学地理学教授
Michael Cox —伦敦政治经济学院国际关系学教授
Sir Peter Crane(爵士)—耶鲁大学植物学教授
Sean Holly —剑桥大学经济学教授
Avi Shlaim—牛津大学国际关系学教授
Michael Leifer —伦敦政治经济学院国际关系学教授
L. J. F. Brimble —植物学家、《自然》杂志编辑
Anton Apriantono —食品科技化学家,2004年开始任职于印度尼西亚农业部
E. Wilder-Smith —创造家兼化学家
Debbie Flood —划船冠军,2004 quadruple sculls奥运银牌得主
Richard Sambrook —BBC 国际新闻部主任
Joan Smith —小说家兼艺术家
Duncan MacMillan —剧作家
Steven Atkinson —导演
Jan Kavan—捷克外交家和政治家
Shukuru Kawambwa —坦桑尼亚教育和职业培训部部长
Dimeji Bankole—尼日利亚众议院议长
Edison James —多米尼加总理
Fred Gardiner —加拿大政治家
Penny Mordaunt—英保守党国会议员
Mike Penning —英保守党国会议员
Mark Prisk —英保守党国会议员
Hugh Robertson —英保守党国会议员
Rob Wilson —英保守党国会议员
Julian Barratt —喜剧演员
Arthur Brown —摇滚歌手
Jamie Cullum —钢琴家兼歌手
Edmund Rubbra—作曲家
Julian Wagstaff—作曲家
David Atkins —Hammerson plcCEO
Robert Noel —Land Securities Group plc CEO
Nicky Kinnaird—British cosmetic retailer Space NK 创立者和主席
Household income below £25K, a bursary of £1,000 a year; placement bursaries of £200–£1,000.
Foundation degree fee waivers of 50 per cent for selected courses. Other academic and targeted scholarships available.
大学概况University Profile
Reading is looking east as it continues to expand apace. It has invested more than £400m on its main Thames Valley campus in recent years, and in 2015 it will add another site in Malaysia. Undergraduates have already begun courses in business and English in temporary premises close to the new campus that the university will open at the Iksandar Education City, on the southern tip of Malaysia.
Degrees in law, the built environment, psychology and pharmacy will be added when the University of Reading Malaysia is fully operational. The project will add to the growing complement of international students taking Reading degrees: new international enrolments were up by more than a quarter in 2013.
The university’s courses and research in agriculture and development have long attracted students from around the world. More than a third of the 17,000 students now come from outside the UK, taking the full range of subjects.
Originally Oxford University’s extension college, Reading was one of only two universities established between the two world wars. The attractive main campus, set in 320 acres of parkland, now has a modern feel and has won the Green Flag environmental award for four years in a row.
Recent building projects include a new student services centre and business school, £100m on new and redeveloped halls of residence, a refurbished sports centre, and new catering facilities.The £17m Hopkins Building added laboratories and teaching space for pharmacy and cardiovascular research, and there is a new world-class Chemical Analysis Facility.
The £11m Minghella Building for film, theatre and TV opened in the spring of 2011, while a separate Enterprise Centre brings together academic expertise with local and international technology-based businesses.
Reading did well in the last Research Assessment Exercise, despite entering a much higher proportion of its academics than many of its peers. There are international centres of research excellence in areas such as food security, agriculture, biological and physical sciences, meteorology, and European histories and cultures. Another research centre opened in last January, in the School of Psychology, focussing on dementia.
As well as its sites in Reading, the university also owns 2,000 acres of farmland at nearby Sonning and Shinfield, where the renowned Centre for Dairy Research (CEDAR) is located.
To these has been added the former Henley Management College, which became the university’s business school in 2008. The college’s attractive site, on the banks of the river at Henley-on-Thames, houses postgraduate and executive programmes, while undergraduates are taught on the main Whiteknights campus.
All undergraduates take career management skills modules that contribute five credits towards their degree classification. The online system, which has 200 web pages of advice, exercises and information, has been bought by 30 other universities and colleges. Sessions are delivered jointly by academics and careers advisors, with input from alumni and leading employers.
Recent graduate employment figures have been good and the university is hoping to improve them further by providing placement opportunities for all students.
Reading is one of the medium-sized campus universities that have demonstrated their appeal through the National Student Survey (NSS): results improved again this year, with Reading’s score for student satisfaction under our analysis of the NSS rising to 83.7% from 82.3% last year.
Sports facilities have been extended. Water sports are a strong focus, with off-campus boathouses on the Thames and a sailing and canoeing club nearby. Representative teams have a good record in inter-university competitions and the campus was chosen as a pre-Olympics training camp for basketball and fencing.
About one undergraduate in six is from an independent school and just under a quarter come from working-class homes – both below average for the university’s subjects and entry qualifications. The university is devoting more than a quarter of the extra income from £9,000 fees to attempt to broaden the intake, and it expects to provide cash bursaries for about 2,500 students in 2015-16.
The town may not be the most fashionable, but Reading has plenty of nightlife and an award-winning shopping centre. It also offers temporary and part-time employment opportunities for students. London is easily accessible by train, but the cost of living is on a par with the capital.
The halls of residence are either on or within easy walking distance of campus. The latest will provide an extra 650 rooms in time for the start of the new academic year.
The large students’ union has been voted among the best in Britain, and has won numerous awards, including Best Bar None status for encouraging safe drinking. Students who live off campus can make use of the free night bus service to take them back into the town centre.
学生观点Student view
Natalie Harper, students’ union president
First impressions
Overwhelming but being a campus university it’s easy to settle in and meet great people.
Worst feature
The cost of living down south is quite high but the prices on campus are subsidised so everything stays cheap.
Making a difference
So many students signed up to Keen, our volunteering project which finds beds for the homeless, that some had to be turned away.
Deal clincher
The White Knights campus has beautiful gardens and a lake, and for the winter you can relax in one of our many bars and cafes.