University of the West of Scotland
学费Tuition Fee
本地欧盟UK/EU fees £0-£1,820
其他英国RUK fees £7,250
国际学生Fees (international) £10,300-£10,815
Paisley Campus, Paisley, PA1 2BE
Performance |
Score 数值 |
Ranking 排名 |
2015 Times Ranking |
2015年泰晤士报排名 |
118 |
2014 Times Ranking |
2014年泰晤士报排名 |
117 |
World Ranking |
世界排名 |
Student satisfaction |
学生满意度 |
78.9% |
102 |
Research quality |
研究质量 |
4.7% |
67 |
Ucas entry points |
本科录取水平 |
299 |
99 |
Graduate prospects |
毕业生展望 |
58.4% |
92 |
Firsts and 2:1s |
1等及2等1学位比例 |
58.5% |
102 |
Completion rate |
完成度 |
67.8% |
121 |
Student-staff ratio |
学生-老师比 |
22:1 |
113 |
Services/facilities spend |
服务/设施花费 |
£ 1,279 |
96 |
Graduate salaries |
毕业生起薪 |
£ 19,184 |
Sports points/rank |
体育 |
97 |
101 |
Social mix |
学生情况 |
Score数值 |
Undergraduate (full-time) |
本科全日制人数 |
9,760 |
Postgraduate (full-time) |
研究生全日制人数 |
630 |
Applications/places |
申请人数/录取人数 |
15,820/3,975 |
Applications/places ratio |
申请录取率 |
4:1 |
EU students |
欧盟学生 |
4.5% |
Other overseas students |
海外学生 |
1.5% |
Mature |
成年学生 |
45.4% |
State school educated |
公立学校教育 |
98.5% |
Middle class/working class |
中产/工薪比率 |
60.2/39.8 |
Student satisfaction 学生满意度 |
Subject |
科目领域 |
% |
Accounting & Finance |
会计金融 |
78.3 |
Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering |
航空和制造工程 |
84.3 |
Archaeology |
考古学 |
80.3 |
Biological Science |
生物科学 |
82.0 |
Business Studies |
商务研究 |
77.7 |
Chemical Engineering |
化工 |
80.6 |
Civil Engineering |
土木工程 |
87.8 |
Communication & Media Studies |
传媒和媒体研究 |
78.1 |
Computer Science |
计算机科学 |
75.4 |
Drama, Dance & Cinematics |
戏剧舞蹈和电影研究 |
81.5 |
Education |
教育 |
93.4 |
Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism |
酒店休闲娱乐和旅游 |
76.3 |
Law |
法律 |
72.6 |
Mechanical Engineering |
机械工程 |
77.0 |
Music |
音乐 |
70.9 |
Nursing |
护理 |
78.1 |
Physics and Astronomy |
物理和天文学 |
65.4 |
Psychology |
心理学 |
88.5 |
Social Policy |
社会政策 |
86.6 |
Social Work |
社会工作 |
78.8 |
Sport Science |
体育科学 |
81.9 |
Subjects allied to medicine |
医学相关 |
83.7 |
1. 申请表格
2. 高中毕业证或者是在读证明(附英文翻译件)
3. 高中成绩单(附英文翻译件)
4. 2封推荐信
5. PS
6. IELTS 或者TOFEL 成绩(如果没有,可以先申请有条件的offer)
7.研究目标(research programmes only)
1. 学习优势
校园的The Robertson Trust 图书馆和学习资源中心为学生提供优秀的学习资源。拥有大约20万册书籍,参考文献和综合电子学习资料。图书馆有950个坐位,一个电脑室和语言材料互动视频播放器。
计算机学院在计算机和信息通讯技术方面占有领先地位。在专业技术研究领域,与跨国公司如IBM等有协同合作的关系。西苏格兰大学是英国第一个被Cisco, Macromedia and Microsoft认可的学校。
2. 生活优势
西苏格兰大学坐落在佩斯利市中心,距离火车站只有几分钟的路程。城里有许多商店,餐馆,咖啡屋。这是一个参观文化和旅游胜地的理想场所。西苏格兰位于格拉斯哥以西7英里,附近有格拉斯哥国际机场和格拉斯哥Prestwick 国际机场。
Scholarships and bursaries available.
大学概况University Profile
Undergraduate enrolments at The University of the West of Scotland (UWS) have declined for three years in a row, but they started from an unusually high base with the merger of Paisley University and Bell College, in Hamilton, prompting the biggest increases in applications at any UK university for two successive years.
However, UWS pays for this with the highest dropout rate in the UK, running at more than 30% and close to three times the benchmark set according to the subject mix and entry qualifications. This contributes significantly to its low standing in our overall rankings.
UWS is now among the largest modern universities in Scotland, and has been adapting to its increased size with a new £81m campus in Ayr for 3,500 students. This will be followed by a transformation of the Hamilton campus, which has already seen the construction of a new engineering centre.
The developments are part of a £200m plan for the university’s four bases in Dumfries, Paisley, Ayr and Hamilton. A library and student services centre was added in Dumfries soon after the merger and an employment centre serving all four campuses was a new feature in Paisley.
The university is based in an area of low participation in higher education and is within reach of nearly 40% of the population of Scotland. UWS has continued its parent institutions’ strong record in attracting under-represented groups onto courses, with almost all of its students state educated and 40% from working-class homes. Hundreds of youngsters aged 14 and 15 attend the “university experience” to sample a week of student life.
Growth since the merger has been fuelled mainly by the move to an all-graduate nursing profession – the School of Health, Nursing and Midwifery is the largest north of the border – but degrees in subjects such as computer animation, commercial music, computer games technology, sports studies and music technology have all been popular.
More than £9m was invested in student facilities in Paisley in the early years of UWS. The main campus, 20 acres in the town centre, has also benefited from a new library and learning resource centre, a £5m students’ union building, and recently upgraded indoor and outdoor sports facilities. UWS is bringing more students into Paisley town centre with the completion of a £17.6m student accommodation development.
The investment includes the refurbishment of some 160 university-owned flats, as well as the construction of a new student residence with 336 bed spaces, divided into flats for six students, each with large ensuite bedrooms and with a shared kitchen and lounge.
The Dumfries campus, which is operated in partnership with Glasgow University, has more than 500 students. The Hamilton campus contains a students’ union, an upgraded leisure centre and some accommodation, as well as teaching space. The Ayr campus is shared with SRUC (Scotland's Rural College) and has a prize-winning library with flexible space for individual or group study, presentation and seminar areas.
Paisley pioneered credit transfer in Scotland, including credit for non-academic achievement, and the modular course system covers day, evening and weekend classes. Most students either take sandwich degrees or have work placements built into their courses, earning an average of £10,000 in the process, but the impact on graduate employment has not been as great as elsewhere.
Courses are strongly vocational, with business, multimedia and health subjects by far the most popular choices. There are close links with business and industry and all students are offered hands-on computer training. Paisley was the first UK university to be approved by Microsoft, Macromedia and Cisco, and has the status of Microsoft Academic Professional Development Centre. A games development laboratory, supported by Sony, is part of a £300,000 package of investment in multimedia and games facilities.
Research grades improved in the last assessments, although UWS made only a small submission. A quarter of the work was rated as world-leading or internationally excellent, with biomedical sciences and social policy and social work producing the best results. The university returned to The Times league table three years ago after blocking the release of data until all the statistics related to the new institution.
Paisley is Scotland’s largest town, while Hamilton ranks fifth. In both places, the university draws a high proportion of the students from the local area, many on part-time courses. Numbers at Paisley have grown particularly rapidly in recent years and there are almost 1,000 international students, thanks to a growing number of Chinese and Indian nationals and long-established links with over 50 EU institutions.
学生观点Student view
Jack Douglas, students’ union president
First impressions
Manic: people want to meet you 24/7, from fellow freshers to lecturers to student representatives.
Worst feature
The dodgy landlords: my colleague was about to move into his new flat only to discover someone was already living there.
Making a difference
UWS is a widening-access institution, giving those who wouldn’t normally have the chance a path into higher education.
Deal clincher
Lecturers are so kind, going out of their way to help you with any problem you might have.