Loughborough University
生活费/周Catered costs £124-£167
英国欧盟UK/EU fees £9,000
实习/海外年Fees (placement/overseas year) £840/£840
国际学生Fees (international) £13,750-£17,300
Ashby Road, Loughborough, LE11 3TU
Performance |
Score数值 |
Ranking排名 |
2015 Times Ranking |
2015年泰晤士报排名 |
13 |
2014 Times Ranking |
2014年泰晤士报排名 |
21 |
World Ranking |
世界排名 |
265 |
Student satisfaction |
学生满意度 |
85.7% |
8 |
Research quality |
研究质量 |
24.7% |
18 |
Ucas entry points |
本科录取水平 |
406 |
35 |
Graduate prospects |
毕业生展望 |
80% |
13 |
Firsts and 2:1s |
1等及2等1学位比例 |
78% |
22 |
Completion rate |
完成度 |
93.5% |
19 |
Student-staff ratio |
学生-老师比 |
15.6:1 |
40 |
Services/facilities spend |
服务/设施花费 |
£1,956 |
32 |
Graduate salaries |
毕业生起薪 |
£23,419 |
Sports points/rank |
体育 |
5329 |
1 |
Social mix |
学生情况 |
Score数值 |
Undergraduate (full-time) |
本科全日制人数 |
11,090 |
Postgraduate (full-time) |
研究生全日制人数 |
2,305 |
Applications/places |
申请人数/录取人数 |
21,915/4,125 |
Applications/places ratio |
申请录取率 |
5.3:1 |
EU students |
欧盟学生 |
3.9% |
Other overseas students |
海外学生 |
7% |
Mature |
成年学生 |
3.2% |
State school educated |
公立学校教育 |
82.1% |
Middle class/working class |
中产/工薪比率 |
77.1/22.9 |
Student satisfaction 学生满意度 |
Subject |
科目领域 |
% |
Accounting & Finance |
会计金融 |
87.3 |
Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering |
航空和制造工程 |
77.4 |
Anatomy & Physiology |
解剖和生理学 |
87.0 |
Art & Design |
艺术设计 |
84.0 |
Building |
建造学 |
84.5 |
Business Studies |
商务研究 |
91.0 |
Chemical Engineering |
化工 |
81.8 |
Chemistry |
化学 |
91.5 |
Civil Engineering |
土木工程 |
87.8 |
Communication & Media Studies |
传媒和媒体研究 |
83.9 |
Computer Science |
计算机科学 |
87.9 |
Drama, Dance & Cinematics |
戏剧、舞蹈和电影研究 |
76.9 |
Economics |
经济学 |
81.9 |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
电子电气工程 |
87.8 |
English |
英语 |
88.0 |
Geography & Environmental Science |
地理和环境科学 |
89.1 |
History |
历史 |
86.2 |
Librarianship & Information Management |
图书馆及信息管理 |
85.3 |
Materials Technology |
材料科学 |
89.0 |
Mathematics |
数学 |
89.0 |
Mechanical Engineering |
机械工程 |
84.4 |
Physics and Astronomy |
物理和天文学 |
79.9 |
Politics |
政治 |
84.3 |
Psychology |
心理学 |
84.6 |
Social Policy |
社会政策 |
83.0 |
Sociology |
社会学 |
86.1 |
Sport Science |
体育科学 |
86.0 |
Town & Country Planning & Landscape |
城市乡村规划及景观 |
84.2 |
拉夫堡大学位于英格兰中部地区拉夫堡镇,人口约57,000人,距离莱斯特15分钟车程、诺丁汉20分钟车程,坐火车90分钟即可到达伦敦,距离East Middlelands国际机场15分钟车程。校园面积巨大,拥有迷人的花园、壮观的体育休闲场所、便利的生活设施以及足够多的学生宿舍区。伦敦校区为2012年伦敦奥运会场区。
- 2006 -- 2010连续五年获得泰晤士报评选的“最佳学生体验奖”,连续6年英格兰第一
- RAE研究水平评估排名全英前20
- 星期日泰晤士报2008/09年度大学奖获得者
- 近10年连续位列泰晤士报好大学排名前20; 75%的院系在全英国排名前十
- 毕业生就业率满意度调查名列前茅
- “1994 集团大学”成员,由19所以研究为主的大学组成
- 7次获得女王年度奖,比肩牛津大学
- 2009年拉夫堡大学百年校庆
- 全英最大的工程学院,人数超过5000人
- 与超过800所工业企业保持良好合作关系
- 2012伦敦奥运会会场区为拉夫堡伦敦校区
- 2012毕业生6个月内就业率为92%
- 拉夫堡商学院排名全球前1%,获得AMBA、AACSB和EQUIS 3机构权威认证。
- 全英最好的体育设施
- 校园内外丰富多样的住宿区域
- 校园内配备住院设备的免费医疗服务
- 多种多样的国际学生社团
- 专业的保密咨询服务,专业的国际学生服务
- 英国最大的单一校区大学
- 课前英语入学教育及英语语言课程
- 地处英格兰中心地带,去往伦敦机场和火车站及其他各处都非常方便
- 相对英国大城市消费水平便宜很多
科目领域 (本科、授课型研究生和研究型研究生学位):
工学方向 |
理学方向 |
人文社科方向 |
航空航天和自动化 |
生物 |
艺术和设计 |
化工 |
化学 |
商业管理 |
土木和建筑服务 |
计算机 |
经济、金融 |
电子电气通信和系统工程 |
人体工程学 |
英语、戏剧 |
水和环境、可再生能源 |
信息管理 |
地理、全球化 |
制造、机械 |
数学 |
政治、历史和国际关系 |
材料 |
物理 |
传媒、媒体、社会科学 |
体育技术 |
心理学 |
体育管理、运动和健康科学 |
住宿类型 |
本科生 |
研究生 |
自炊式 |
2,964-5,850 |
3,800-7,270 |
食宿全包(每周15-19顿餐,计35-41周) |
4,702-6,308 |
2014/15花费 (预估费用)单位:英镑
本科生 |
学费 |
生活费包住宿费 |
总花费 |
课堂型课程 |
13,750 |
7,800 |
21,550 |
实验型课程 |
17,300 |
7,800 |
25,100 |
研究生 |
学费 |
生活费 包住宿费 |
总花费 |
课堂型课程 |
13,750 |
8,500 |
22,250 |
实验型课程 |
17,300 |
8,500 |
25,800 |
管理类课程 |
17,600 |
8,500 |
26,100 |
银行类课程 |
16,000 |
8,500 |
24,500 |
19,250 |
8,500 |
27,750 |
MBA(体育) |
28,000 |
8,500 |
36,500 |
- A-levels或IB优秀成绩(请见各个系别的简介及要求)
- 拥有较高的高考成绩或完成一年大一的中国学生也可以被考虑
- 许多预科课程及多种国际资格证也会被认可
- 拉夫堡学院的拉夫堡大学国际预科课程的顺利完成将可以保证继续入读很多工程、科学、商务、经济学和其它学位课程
优秀的本科学士学位 (比如,英国2:1,中国211大学平均分80分以上,部分专业要求83分以上;中国非211大学要求83分以上,部分专业要求85分以上或者是其他国际认可大学的学历)
- 国际学生需要至少达到雅思6.5(单科不低于6.0,某些科目要求雅思7.0,单科不低于6.5)、PTE 62(单科不低于55),GCSE或者O级考试英语C
- 稍微低于英语入学要求的学生可以提前申请入读自费的课前英语课程,具体要求请查询
For UK (excluding Welsh) students, household income below £18K, a bursary of £2,000, years 1–3; fee waiver for placement year; £2,000 bursary and £5,000 fee waiver, year 4 Integrated Masters; £18K–£22K, £2,000, years 1–3; £2,000 and £4,000 fee waiver, year 4; £22K–£25K, £1,000, years 1–3; £1,000 and £3,000 fee waiver, year 4; enhanced terms for mature students.
Scholarships for high achievers from low HE participation areas.
大学概况University Profile
Loughborough’s illustrious sporting pedigree makes the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park the ideal location for Loughborough’s new London campus, opening in 2015. The university is moving into the former Olympic press and broadcast centres to run postgraduate and executive courses initially.
With some of the country’s best sporting facilities on the doorstep of the new campus, it does not take a great leap of imagination to see the development as the start of something much bigger for Loughborough.
It has been another stellar year for the university, with improvements in six of our eight performance measures earning it a shortlisting in our University of the Year award once more. It won the award outright in 2008 and has been shortlisted now on a further five occasions since we introduced the award in 1999 – more than any other university.
Connections with the Olympics abound. Lord Sebastian Coe, who chaired the organising committee for the Games and is himself a double Olympic gold medallist, is a Loughborough alumnus and now a Pro Chancellor of the university. Ninety athletes with Loughborough connections competed at the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, winning a total of 13 medals.
Even more competed at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow this summer - 120 Loughborough-connected athletes represented eight different countries in nine sports. They won 35 medals, including nine golds, meaning Loughborough would have ranked 11 in the final medals table had it been a country.
However, there is much more to Loughborough than sport: it has become a regular fixture in or around our top 20 – rising eight places to rank 13 this year – and it increased its intake of new undergraduates by more than 20% in 2013.
The university consistently registers among the best scores in the National Student Survey – making the UK top 10 again in our analysis of the results – and ranks first in the UK in the International Student Barometer, which reflects the views of overseas students. At least nine out of ten were satisfied and would recommend the university to others.
The Office for Standards in Education also rates Loughborough in its top category for teacher training in physical education, design and science.
Most subjects are available either as three-year full-time or longer sandwich degrees, which include a year in industry. This has helped to give graduates a strong employment record – another top 20 ranking – as well a dropout rate of 4.6%, which is particularly low for the subjects Loughborough offers.
Loughborough is a leader in art and design and remains a major centre of engineering, with more than 2,800 students in a £20m integrated engineering complex. Civil, aeronautical and automotive engineering are particularly strong. Loughborough is also taking the lead in a £5m project to boost research, training and industry partnerships in solar energy.
The original 216-acre campus has benefited from a sustained development programme which included a large student union extension and a new business school, as well as the gradual refurbishment of residential accommodation.
The first phase of a £68m on-campus accommodation development has more than 5,000 rooms, with another 1,300 bedrooms to come in four new halls. Arts facilities are improving with the upgrading of the Cope Auditorium to serve the campus and local community.
An £8m building for Health, Exercise and Biosciences opened in 2010 and a new Design Centre, the first project in a wider masterplan for the East Park area of the campus, opened its doors in October 2011.
The purchase of the adjacent Holywell Park site increased the size of the campus by 75% , offering new scope for research and collaboration with industry. The Science and Enterprise Parkincludes the BAE-sponsored Systems Engineering Innovation Centre. Close relationships with industry have helped to amass a record haul of seven Queen’s Anniversary Prizes.
The university is a leader in the use of computer-assisted assessment, offering students the chance to gauge their own progress online. However, Loughborough misses all its access benchmarks: fewer than a quarter of the undergraduates are from working-class homes and less than 6% are from areas of low participation in higher education.
The university will spend more than £4m in scholarships and bursaries and larger sums on outreach activities in 2015-16.
The sports facilities are the best in the country – quite possibly the best this side of the Atlantic – and still improving. Loughborough was chosen as the official preparation camp headquarters for Team GB prior to the London 2012 Olympics. It has since been named as the official Innovation Partner of the International Hockey Federation and will be one of two national centres for British Swimming as it prepares for the Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.
The university will also host a £10m National Sport and Exercise Medicine Centre of Excellence, one of three in the UK. A new £5.6m health and fitness centre will open in October.
The campus boasts a 50-metre swimming pool, national academies for cricket and tennis, a gymnastics centre and a high-performance training centre for athletics. The university also has the country’s only centre for disability sport and has spent £15m on its Sports Technology Institute. The programme of sports scholarships is the largest at any university.
Social activity is concentrated on a students’ union which is among the most popular in the country with its members. The campus is huge and were it not for the need to live off-campus at some point during their studies, it might be possible for students to spend all three years of their studies within its confines. There are more than 5,500 places in university halls, with an unusually high number (just under 2,400 places) offering catered accommodation.
The relatively small market town of Loughborough, a mile away, pales by comparison socially, but for those determined to party, Leicester and Nottingham are a short distance away.
学生观点Student view
Becky Lauder-Fletcher, students’ union officer
First impressions
Each hall has its own committee organising events, so be prepared for the time of your life.
Worst feature
There’s one high street in Loughborough, but our campus is vibrant and Leicester and Nottingham are just 10 minutes away.
Making a difference
We do more than 28,000 hours of volunteering a year.
Deal clincher
We have 54 sports clubs, have raised £1.4m for charity, and have a students’ union venue that holds more than 1,000.