Goldsmiths, University of London
学费Tuition Fee
英国欧盟UK/EU fees £9,000
国际学生Fees (international) £12,100-£16,700
New Cross, London, SE14 6NW
Performance |
Score 数值 |
Ranking 排名 |
2015 Times Ranking |
2015年泰晤士报排名 |
55 |
2014 Times Ranking |
2014年泰晤士报排名 |
48 |
World Ranking |
世界排名 |
501 |
Student satisfaction |
学生满意度 |
79.2% |
98 |
Research quality |
研究质量 |
24.7% |
18 |
Ucas entry points |
本科录取水平 |
346 |
51 |
Graduate prospects |
毕业生展望 |
55.7% |
106 |
Firsts and 2:1s |
1等及2等1学位比例 |
76.7% |
28 |
Completion rate |
完成度 |
82.6% |
86 |
Student-staff ratio |
学生-老师比 |
16.9:1 |
53 |
Services/facilities spend |
服务/设施花费 |
£1,052 |
112 |
Graduate salaries |
毕业生起薪 |
£18,000 |
Sports points/rank |
体育 |
26 |
116 |
Social mix |
学生情况 |
Score数值 |
Undergraduate (full-time) |
本科全日制人数 |
4,670 |
Postgraduate (full-time) |
研究生全日制人数 |
2,135 |
Applications/places |
申请人数/录取人数 |
10,065/1,895 |
Applications/places ratio |
申请录取率 |
5.3:1 |
EU students |
欧盟学生 |
7.1% |
Other overseas students |
海外学生 |
11.6% |
Mature |
成年学生 |
28.2% |
State school educated |
公立学校教育 |
88.8% |
Middle class/working class |
中产/工薪比率 |
68/32 |
Student satisfaction 学生满意度 |
Subject |
科目领域 |
% |
Anthropology |
人类学 |
80.2 |
Art & Design |
艺术设计 |
87.1 |
Communication & Media Studies |
传媒和媒体研究 |
75.2 |
Computer Science |
计算机科学 |
82.0 |
Drama, Dance & Cinematics |
戏剧舞蹈和电影研究 |
75.2 |
Education |
教育 |
78.5 |
English |
英语 |
75.4 |
History |
历史 |
79.3 |
History of Art, Architecture & Design |
艺术、建筑和设计史 |
78.9 |
Music |
音乐 |
81.7 |
Politics |
政治 |
78.3 |
Psychology |
心理学 |
78.7 |
Social Work |
社会工作 |
70.5 |
Sociology |
社会学 |
79.5 |
伦敦大学金匠学院(Goldsmiths, University of London),又译金史密斯学院,是以金匠工艺和娱乐学院(Goldsmiths' Technical and Recreative Institute)之名于1891年成立,后于1904年并入伦敦大学,改名为伦敦大学金匠学院(Goldsmiths' College);到了2006年,删除英文中「学院」二字,改为目前的名称(然而,英文中「Goldsmiths' College」(连同撇号)仍然是学院的正式法律名称)。伦敦大学金匠学院是伦敦大学联盟的一份子,专攻艺术、传播媒体与文化创意课程的教学和研究。伦敦大学金匠学院的美术系更是英国首屈一指,孕育了许多YBA青年艺术家。自1990年以来,来自金匠的毕业生已经获得了超过30次的透纳奖提名并产生了7位得主。
伦敦大学金匠学院隶属于大英国协大学协会和1994年集团,是一座规模较小的研究型大学,1994年集团成员还包括伦敦大学亚非学院SOAS等。2008年英国Research Assessment Exercise (RAE),金匠学院排名全国第35名。
伦敦大学金史密斯学院(Goldsmiths, University of London)是英国首屈一指的以艺术与设计、文化及社会科学见长的学府,其中新闻传播、戏剧电影等专业则蜚声海外,为学校赢得了更大的荣誉。伦敦大学金史密斯学院开设了很多新颖的具有挑战性的专业课程,涉及的学科包括艺术与设计、计算机、社区和青少年工作、戏剧、教育学、英语、历史、艺术史、媒体、语言、音乐、社会科学和社会福利工作。伦敦大学金史密斯学院的大部分学科系都有专门的设施,旨在帮助学生更好地学习。伦敦大学金史密斯学院宿舍提供1000个住宿单位,且离校园不远,5分钟步行可及。所有国际学生在他们修习学位之全程都保证可以有住宿。
1891年,City of London Livery Companies的Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths创立了金匠工艺和娱乐学院。从12世纪开始,金匠公司(The Goldsmiths' Company)成立了中世纪时期金匠,银匠和珠宝工艺师的同业公会,拥有如此长的工艺历史,金匠学院把这些工艺艺术列在重要的教育发展目标。 创校初期,The Livery Company致力于为工业、劳工和工匠阶级的工作者推广技能、知识、和健康的发展环境。大学校区位于新十字(New Cross),前身为皇家海军学校(其中Richard Hoggart Building由知名建筑师John Shaw Jr.设计),现为金匠学院的经典主体建筑大楼。
1904年,金匠工艺和娱乐学院并入伦敦大学,并改名为金匠学院。在当时金匠的教育学院是全英国规模最大,培育出许多教师。金匠学院也创立护校,培育护理人员。在并入伦敦大学没多久后,金匠学院在1907年于校园的本部大楼后方建盖新的艺术大楼(设计师为 Sir Reginald Blomfield)。在第二次世界大战期间,学校决定将所有师生移师到诺丁汉大学。1940年,学校的本部大楼被燃烧弹摧毁,一直到1947年才修复完工。1960年期间,金匠学院的学生人数剧增,在同时期,金匠的艺术和社会科学领域逐渐被学界重视,建立名声。由于学生人数增加,学校的本部大楼扩建,并新建许多新的教学大楼,如 The Lockwood Building、Whitehead Building、Education Building、Warmington Tower和St James's Hall来容纳这些新学员。1988年,金匠学院取得皇家特许状。2006年,金匠删除「学院」二字,改为目前的名称金匠·伦敦大学(Goldsmiths, University of London)过去曾担任金匠学院的校长包括Richard Hoggart、Professor Andrew Rutherford和Ben Pimlott。目前学校校长为Pat Loughrey。
金史密斯学院附近有2个主要的铁路站点,New Cross和New Cross Gate。这2条火车路线可以到达伦敦桥、伦敦的东南部、肯特和萨里。对学生来说,出行非常方便。
在最新的教学质量评估中,该校的传媒和社会科学、人类学、设计、音乐和视觉艺术类课程均达到了5星级的满分标准。2009年泰晤士报排名中列第46名,其中艺术与设计、大众传媒分别排名第6和第11名。金史密斯学院通过与著名的心理学家、计算机科学家、艺术家、人类学者、著名文化人及音乐人等各行业的优秀学者专家的合作,在许多教学研究领域取得了重大突破。学校目前有500多名学生在读MPhil和PhD博士课程,还开设了新的MRes(Master of Research),意在为本科生搭建学习与研究的桥梁。2008年的英国学术研究评估中,金史密斯学院在英国名列第35名。学院在很多领域学术水平颇高,强势项目有传媒与通讯、社会学、人文学、设计、视觉艺术与表演艺术、音乐等等。在学校众多校友中,不乏政治家、音乐家、设计师和作家等,还有7名毕业生获得过欧洲最具重量级的当代艺术大奖Turner Prize。
金史密斯学院的社交生活十分活跃,各种活动层出不穷,能满足每个学生的品位要求 – 从表演到音乐会,从展览到走“秀”,让人眼花缭乱。一流的学生会为学生提供了大量的参与机会,例如学生可以参加获过奖的志愿工作实习活动,或为学生杂志和电台出一把力。 New Cross是一个充满活力的城市区域,生活费用相对低廉,正是你享受伦敦生活的理想的基地. 伦敦的资源和机遇可谓无穷无尽 – 博物馆、美术馆、剧院、节日、现场音乐、夜生活、购物、餐厅和绿地,这一切一切都是学生无限的探索的可能。
学生的身心健康愉快对我们极其重要,因此我们为学生创造了一个综合性的支持体系。 各个学生支持服部门密切合作,为满足学生的个人需要服务。
学校有3个主要的宿舍楼:Loring、Surrey House和Batavia Mews。
Loring Hall:从宿舍10分钟路程就可以到达课堂。虽然不是奢华的寝室,但是设施齐全,物超所值。
Surrey House:寝室布局传统,一层楼的同学分享1个大厨房、4个卫生间、3个淋浴器和1个浴缸。在SH宿舍的房间都是很大的,学生生活很舒适。
Batavia Mews:房间基本设施齐全,7间房分享1个厨房、3个卫生间、1个浴缸和1个淋浴器,这些设备每天都由专人清洗。
国际学生(非欧盟)只要在7月中旬前接受了学院的无条件录取通知书,学院就保证为他们提供宿舍。 大学宿舍的类型很多,包括设施完善的公寓、改建而成的房屋和更为传统的学生宿舍等等。所有宿舍都是膳食自理型。大部分学生宿舍都是配有私人浴室的套间。学生宿舍离学院不远,其中大部分步行到学院只要5分钟。
学生宿舍是学生认识新朋友和适应在伦敦的新生活的理想环境。. 学生宿舍的房租中已包括了暖气和照明费,便于预算开支。
国际办公室是学生在大学的第一个联络点。 它由来自6个国家说15种语言的员工构成。 国际干事们来自世界不同的地方。国际办公室通过开展入学简介和其他熟悉性活动,提供全面的签证续签服务,和全职国际学生顾问一起努力创造一个友好支持性的环境。
伦敦大学金史密斯学院为国际学生提供了全面的奖学金及助学金,以下仅列出部分国际学生奖学金项目,供参考: Goldsmiths International Postgraduate Scholarship 申请截止日期为2010年4月1日。该奖学金的名额是10个。凡被正式录取的全日制授课式研究生均可申请。申请成功者,可获得一年5,000英镑的助学金。 注意:该项奖学金的申请和入学申请是各自独立的;其评选以学术成绩为准,与申请者的财务现状无关。 Goldsmiths International Research Scholarship 申请截止日期为2010年4月1日。该奖学金的名额是3个。凡被正式录取的全日制研究型研究生均可申请。申请成功者,第一年可获得5,000英镑的助学金。 注意:该项奖学金申请和入学申请是各自独立的。该项奖学金的评选只看学术成绩与申请者的财务现状无关。 除以上两种奖助学金外,还有各系提供的奖学金Departmental Scholarships page 和英国政府提供的志奋领奖学金British Chevening Scholarship。
Ten £9,000 a year awards for best students from Lewisham and five £4,500 per year awards for students from other local boroughs.
Range of scholarships and bursaries for local students, mature students, care leavers, disabled students, refugees, computer, music and education students.
大学概况University Profile
“What could you achieve with a Goldsmiths degree?” asks the university’s website beneath the imposing presence of Sir Antony Gormley’s Angel of the North.
With this one image and question, Goldsmiths lays its cards on the table as a crucible in which some of the greatest artistic and creative talents of the past 50 years have been forged. Go to Goldsmiths and make a mark.
To Gormley, you can add Damien Hirst, another artist at the top of his game, while it has been a good year for other alumni, too. In the past year, director Steve McQueen won the Best Picture Oscar for ’12 Years A Slave’, James Blake won the Mercury Prize for his album ‘Overgrown’, and Laure Prouvost was named winner of the Turner Prize, making her the seventh former Goldsmiths student to receive the award.
The next generation of creatives is studying at Goldsmiths right now. The £10,000 Goldsmiths Prize, launched in 2013, has cemented Goldsmiths' position in the field of creative writing - the subject is offered at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, and former students have won awards including the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award and the Dylan Thomas Award, while two MA Creative & Life Writing graduates were named in Granta's 2013 Best of Young British Novelists list.
And Goldsmiths is keen to keep the production line flowing. It is expecting to increase the number of undergraduates it admits this year by more than a third compared with 2012, when the fees went up to £9,000.
But the increased recruitment is being made by the introduction of a range of new degrees including management and entrepreneurship; politics, philosophy and economics (PPE); and clinical psychology, alongside those courses that have given the college its stellar reputation in the arts. Another new degree is a BA in anthropology and visual practice, which looks at the subject alongside training in photography, video-making and editing.
Applications are back to the record levels seen in 2011 and more are making Goldsmiths their first choice. Recent art and design rankings have placed Goldsmiths in the world’s top 100 and the UK’s top 10, but the portfolio of courses spans the humanities, social sciences, cultural studies, computing, and entrepreneurial business and management.
More than half of the work submitted for the last Research Assessment Exercise was considered world-leading or internationally excellent. Indeed, it was among the top ten universities for the proportion of work (22%) placed in the highest category. Current projects include the UN-funded research into forensic architecture in places of conflict and a variety of studies into autism.
Goldsmiths is based on a single site campus in New Cross Gate, southeast London, that has a mixture of traditional and modern buildings, including a New Academic Building containing purpose-built media facilities (including radio and TV studios), the Ben Pimlott Building (with state-of-the-art research facilities and studio space for Art students), and the flagship Richard Hoggart Building which has been refurbished and re-landscaped to create a space for outdoor arts and events.
This refurbishment is part of a £6m programme of investment in the campus that also includes a new recording studio – giving music students the chance to record in a professional setting – and a new Fairtrade coffee shop and social learning space in the Library building.
Developments currently underway include creating an art gallery on campus, and transforming a 19th-century church into a space that will be used for teaching, exhibitions, performances and studios.
Determinedly integrated into its southeast London locality, the campus has a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Around a third of new undergraduates are 21 or over on entry with a strong representation from the area’s ethnic minorities, and there is a growing cohort of international students.
There are 7,300 full-time students and around 500 part-timers at Goldsmiths. About a third of students are from working class backgrounds but only 6% are from areas of low participation in higher education.
There are integrated work placements on many of their degrees, and Goldsmiths places great emphasis on equipping students with creative thinking skills and has introduced workshops to help students develop entrepreneurial skills.
Personal development opportunities include the Gold Award, encouraging students to develop the skills and experience that employers are looking for.
Student politics is alive and well at Goldsmiths, and there is a thriving music scene. A varied events programme includes music recitals, exhibitions, public lectures and readings.
The union has a strong tradition in volunteering and an award-winning newspaper/magazine, and in recent years have been winners of several Sound Impact Awards, in recognition of work on ethical and environmental issues.
There are around 1,200 rooms available in halls of residence, 900 of them in Goldsmiths halls within a 2-minute walk of the campus. Those further away are managed by a private provider. Priority for places is given to international students and new undergraduates from outside London.
There is a well-equipped and affordable gym on campus, but the sports pitches are 30 minutes away. Goldsmiths is about many things, and sport isn’t one of them.
学生观点Student view
Howard Littler, students’ union president
First impressions
The Ben Pimlott Building is the spitting image of the hat Princess Beatrice wore to the royal wedding in 2011.
Worst feature
A lot of students go home for the summer so campus gets lonely but being in London there will be plenty to keep you occupied.
Making a difference
We are an active student body, resulting in Goldsmiths being the first university in the country to allow a student on its remuneration committee.
Deal clincher
You get the benefits of London without the Bloomsbury price tags; there are markets, cafes and parks on your doorstep and transport links if you want to venture elsewhere.