University of Strathclyde
学费Tuition Fee
本地欧盟UK/EU fees £0-£1,820
其他英国RUK fees £9,000 (£(27,000 max))
国际学生Fees (international) £12,000-£15,900
16 Richmond Street, Glasgow, G1 1XQ
Performance |
Score 数值 |
Ranking 排名 |
2015 Times Ranking |
2015年泰晤士报排名 |
39 |
2014 Times Ranking |
2014年泰晤士报排名 |
42 |
World Ranking |
世界排名 |
246 |
Student satisfaction |
学生满意度 |
82.3% |
59 |
Research quality |
研究质量 |
16.7% |
44 |
Ucas entry points |
本科录取水平 |
470 |
13 |
Graduate prospects |
毕业生展望 |
77.9% |
24 |
Firsts and 2:1s |
1等及2等1学位比例 |
73.3% |
33 |
Completion rate |
完成度 |
85.1% |
85.7 |
Student-staff ratio |
学生-老师比 |
19.3:1 |
84 |
Services/facilities spend |
服务/设施花费 |
£1,753 |
105 |
Graduate salaries |
毕业生起薪 |
£23,053 |
Sports points/rank |
体育 |
568.5 |
57 |
Social mix |
学生情况 |
Score数值 |
Undergraduate (full-time) |
本科全日制人数 |
11,525 |
Postgraduate (full-time) |
研究生全日制人数 |
3,170 |
Applications/places |
申请人数/录取人数 |
18,360/3,165 |
Applications/places ratio |
申请录取率 |
5.8:1 |
EU students |
欧盟学生 |
3.9% |
Other overseas students |
海外学生 |
5.1% |
Mature |
成年学生 |
13.5% |
State school educated |
公立学校教育 |
92% |
Middle class/working class |
中产/工薪比率 |
74.3/25.7 |
Student satisfaction 学生满意度 |
Subject |
科目领域 |
% |
Accounting & Finance |
会计金融 |
87.2 |
Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering |
航空和制造工程 |
80.3 |
Architecture |
建筑学 |
78.2 |
Biological Science |
生物科学 |
76.9 |
Business Studies |
商务研究 |
85.2 |
Chemical Engineering |
化工 |
79.7 |
Chemistry |
化学 |
87.4 |
Civil Engineering |
土木工程 |
81.3 |
Communication & Media Studies |
传媒和媒体研究 |
76.2 |
Computer Science |
计算机科学 |
80.6 |
Economics |
经济学 |
88.4 |
Education |
教育 |
85.1 |
Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
电子电气工程 |
86.8 |
English |
英语 |
83.9 |
French |
法语 |
77.6 |
Geography & Environmental Science |
地理和环境科学 |
83.6 |
History |
历史 |
83.4 |
Iberian Languages |
伊比利亚语 |
76.9 |
Law |
法律 |
77.6 |
Mathematics |
数学 |
83.3 |
Mechanical Engineering |
机械工程 |
81.9 |
Pharmacology and Pharmacy |
药理学和药剂学 |
78.8 |
Physics and Astronomy |
物理和天文学 |
87.5 |
Politics |
政治 |
84.5 |
Psychology |
心理学 |
86.5 |
Social Work |
社会工作 |
90.3 |
Sociology |
社会学 |
83.7 |
Subjects allied to medicine |
医学相关 |
74.0 |
面向所有的人——无论性别和阶层,这在当时的英国是开历史先河的壮举,于是,安德森大学(Anderson's University)成立了。大学在19世纪取得了长足发展,到了19世纪90年代,安德森大学已经成为了英国的一所在研究和教学方面都声誉卓著的主要的综合性大学。
思克莱德大学 The University of Strathclyde 主要有五个学院:艺术学院、商学院、教育学院、工程学院以及科学院,54个科系和部门,1250个教学研究人员。该学校采用学分制,因此课程结构灵活,有很多双学位课程可以选择。同时有国际学生交流的项目可供申请。
Strathclyde最早起源于Anderson学院机构,1796年建立。此学院一开始就在创建人John Anderson的影响下,致力于建设一个有用的学习场所,非常鼓励各种创新的思想以及方式,这种理念一直延续到今天,为社会界及商业界的研究提供有力的支撑。在1964年,该校发展成为全苏格兰排名第三的大学,共有22000学生,其中8500个硕士研究生。
l 思克莱德大学十九世纪九十年代便以专业技术类院校而盛名远播,开设多种本科以及研究生课程,每个系均设有博士课程。
l 该校在全英最早开设Marketing专业,也是英国最好的市场营销专业。享誉国际的思克莱德商学院是欧洲最大的商学院之一,也是全球少有的通过“三重认证”项目的学院,其在全世界设有高级MBA的3,500所商学院中列第80位。
l 在政府已公布的4次就业率报告中,该校都是优秀,可以说,该校的学生就业情况是英国最好的之一。
l 据英国文化协会对6,000名学生的调查反映,和英国及欧洲的相关院校比起来,在学习、学生支持和整体感受方面留学生们更推崇苏格兰的大学。调查发现86%的留学生愿把这样的感受介绍给别人,而91%的留学生认为苏格兰是个求学的好地方。
l 在最近的教学质量评估中,思克莱德大学获得了92分,达到了“优秀”和“高满意度”的水平,位居苏格兰大学之首。
安德森学院Anderson's Institution - 1796
安德森大学Anderson's University - 1828
格拉斯哥与西苏格兰理工学院Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College - 1887
皇家理工技术Royal Technical College - 1912
皇家理工学院Royal College of Science and Technology - 1956
合并苏格兰商学院Merger with Scottish College of Commerce - 1964
更名为University of Strathclyde - 1964
合并乔丹希尔教育学院Merger with Jordanhill College of Education - 1993
英国政府官方对大学的研究水平作出的评估权威——优秀Breadth of Excellence in Research
格拉斯哥位于苏格兰的中部,距离爱丁堡有半个小时的车程,到达欧洲其他的主要城市也只有一个小时的旅程,是苏格兰最大的城市。格拉斯哥设施非常现代化,以其新型的建筑、设计及美术著称,不同于爱丁堡的浓重的传统色彩。同时她又是苏格兰文化中心之一,有很多的传统文化活动都在此举行。在苏格兰有“声音之城”之称的格拉斯哥,孕育了很多著名的乐队,如Deacon Blue, Simple Minds, Supernaturals 以及Belle & Seastian。在生活娱乐方面,格拉斯哥拥有从电影院至歌剧院,驻唱及乐队的酒吧等等供本地人及游客选择,格拉斯哥还有除伦敦以外最大的购物中心。
"格拉斯哥是这个星球上最有意思的地方" ,一位阅历丰富的媒体人士这样说道," 而且是这个地球上最友好的城市之一,因为人们在严谨的教育环境里获得了良好的教养,他们学会了对他人应当热情并富于同情心,而且这里的人们对陌生人极为热情友好" 。反之,一位初来乍到的人也会对格拉斯哥——美丽的克莱德河(River Clyde)孕育的这座城市着迷。
格拉斯哥是苏格兰的第一大城市,一度是大英帝国的第三大城市,曾经是机械制造、地毯编织、造船的中心,也有人因为在这里从事糖、棉花和烟草贸易而腰缠万贯。而今,造船厂、重型机械工业、大仓库和充斥殖民地商品的场所已经大部分烟消云散,格拉斯哥已经成为一个商业城市,是一个“令人向往的居住地” (desirable residences')。
l 格拉斯哥是苏格兰最大的城市,地处苏格兰中部,位于克莱德河两岸。
l 人口80多万,距离伦敦367英里,爱丁堡52英里。
l 城曾经赢得了“1999年度建筑设计城市奖”。而为数众多的花园绿地使其以“可爱的绿地”闻名于世。
l John Logie Baird 电视发明者
l Alex Gray 作家
l Tom Hunter 亿万富翁企业家
l Sanjay Jha 摩托罗拉公司CEO
l Amar Latif 企业家、世界旅行家和电视人
l Antoin MacGabhann 爱尔兰建筑师
l Ann McKechin 国会议员
l Patrick Prosser 计算机科学家
l Chris Sawyer 电脑游戏开发商
l Dr Iain Stewart 地质学家和电视节目主持人
Strathclyde University Prestige Scholarships(所有本科新生):此奖学金奖励给即将到斯特拉斯克莱德大学的本科新生,鼓励他们在来到斯特拉斯克莱德大学后更加努力学习。
International Undergraduate Bursaries in Physics(物理学院本科新生):此奖学金提供给即将来到斯特拉斯克莱德大学物理学院学习的学生,鼓励他们在自己的专业领有更好的发展。
British Chevening Scholarships(研究生):此奖学金向来自世界各个国家在斯特拉斯克莱德大学进行研究生学习的学生。奖学金由英国外交部提供。
Campbell Burns Research Scholarships(法学院研究生):概述此奖学金提供给在斯特拉斯克莱德大学法学院进行研究生学习的学生,鼓励他们在斯特拉斯克莱德大学继续努力学习。
Glasgow Cathedral Choral Scholarships(所有音乐学院学生):此奖学金奖励给在斯特拉斯克莱德大学音乐学院的所有在学术上有优异表现的学生,鼓励他们继续努力学习,在专业成绩上有新的进步。
For RUK students , annual bursaries for household income below £20K, £4,250; sliding scale to £42.6K, £2,500–£1,000; year 1 bursary of £1,000 for those in university accommodation; those with at least AAB at A Level or equivalent, bursary of £1,000 a year.
Other scholarships and bursaries are available.
大学概况University Profile
Strathclyde was established in 1796 as a “place of useful learning”, so it was an apt choice last year as Times Higher Education magazine’s Entrepreneurial University of the Year, the first Scottish institution to take the title.
The award recognised the culture of entrepreneurship fostered at the university through education, research, mentoring and partnership programmes. StrathclydeEnterprisePathway allows students to develop, enhance and test their transferable skills, while alumni and businesses in the Strathclyde100 network support the university’s emerging entrepreneurs.
Students and alumni have established 84 companies employing 200 people, while the university itself has more than 50 spin-out companies, making annual sales of £80m.
The university promises courses that are both innovative and relevant to employers’ needs – hence product design and innovation, energy systems or international business with modern languages.
It was the third successive year that the university had won an award from Times Higher Education, having been named University of the Year in 2012.
Strathclyde has set itself the target of becoming one of the world’s leading technological universities, and the vice-chancellor, Professor Sir Jim McDonald, has been seeking improvements in research to achieve this goal.
The university has invested £89m in a new Technology and Innovation Centre that opened in 2014, bringing academic and industrial researchers together, with financial support from government, industry and Europe. Strathclyde has also been chosen as the European partner for South Korea’s global research and commercialisation programme and as the UK headquarters of Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Europe’s largest contract research organisation.
Almost 60% of the university’s submission was rated as world-leading or internationally excellent in the last Research Assessment Exercise.
The business school, which is rated among the top 30 in Europe by The Financial Times, is usually considered Strathclyde’s greatest strength. It is among the largest in Europe and one of only 55 in the world to be “triple accredited” by the main international bodies. The school has opened its own Indian branch campus near Delhi.
The engineering faculty is the largest in Scotland and home to the biggest university electrical power engineering and energy research grouping in Europe.
With more than 20,000 students, including part-timers, Strathclyde is the third-largest university in Scotland, but its numbers swell to more than 60,000 when short courses and distance learning programmes are included.
For the second year in a row, degree applications dropped in 2013 but there was still a small increase in enrolments. Mature students account for one third of the undergraduate population. The university has endorsed an international movement to establish “Age-Friendly” universities. Strathclyde’s Learning in Later Life programme has established itself as one of Scotland’s most successful routes to education for older people, while the Centre for Lifelong Learning has been one of the foremost providers of education to people in later life for some four decades.
Strathclyde actively promotes wider access, comfortably exceeding the UK average for state-educated students. They account for just under 93% of the intake, a quarter of which is drawn from working class backgrounds. The projected dropout rate has fallen to 6% and isnow lower than average for the university’s subjects and entry qualifications.
Strathclyde,which has taken to adding Glasgow to its name, has been carrying out an ambitious £350m development programme. All courses are taught on the city-centre John Anderson campus, with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at its heart, enabling staff to work more closely with colleagues in research, teaching and partners in collaborative ventures.
The developments feature new and improved teaching areas, study space and facilities for students tailored to their specific subjects. A Confucius Institute supports the teaching of Chinese Language and the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, a centre for excellence in drug discovery and development research, opened in 2011.
Away from the campus, the Advanced Forming Research Centre, a research partnership with international engineering firms, has opened near Glasgow Airport.
There is a student village on the main campus with 1,400 places and another 500 residential places nearby in the Merchant City. The 10-floor union building attracts students from all over Glasgow. There are numerous cultural and political clubs and societies, plus over 40 sporting clubs and university teams.
Proximity to Glasgow’s vibrant and celebrated music scene is a plus, and for those with more sophisticated tastes, there are numerous theatres and arts organisations, as well as standout museums such as the Kelvingrove Gallery, one of Scotland’s top attractions.
On the sporting side, the university’s students and alumni made up 5% of Team Scotland in this summer’s Commonwealth Games, when the campus formed part of the cycling road race route.
学生观点Student view
Gary Paterson, students’ union president
First impressions
It’s inspiring to see so many students from all over together in one place, you feel like a part of something bigger.
Worst feature
Glasgow is famous for its wet and windy weather, the sun disappears shortly after fresher’s week and doesn’t come back until after exams.
Making a difference
You can make a difference to yourself but also to the wider world through getting involved in the students’ union.
Deal clincher
Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland, there is endless entertainment from the sporting culture to the night life.