巴斯斯巴大学Bath Spa University
Performance |
项目 |
Score数值 |
Ranking排名 |
2015 Times Ranking |
2015年泰晤士报排名 |
70 |
2014 Ranking |
2014年泰晤士报排名 |
70 |
World Ranking |
世界排名 |
Student satisfaction |
学生满意度 |
83% |
42 |
Research quality |
研究质量 |
3% |
84 |
Ucas entry points |
本科录取水平 |
332 |
67 |
Graduate prospects |
毕业生展望 |
56.4% |
104 |
Firsts and 2:1s |
1等及2等1学位比例 |
71% |
42 |
Completion rate |
完成度 |
87.3% |
54 |
Student-staff ratio |
学生-老师比 |
20:1 |
92 |
Services/facilities spend |
服务/设施花费 |
£1,046 |
113 |
Graduate salaries |
毕业生起薪 |
£15,510 |
Sports points/rank |
体育 |
50.5 |
109 |
Social mix |
学生情况 |
Score数值 |
Undergraduate (full-time) |
本科全日制人数 |
5,120 |
Postgraduate (full-time) |
研究生全日制人数 |
810 |
Applications/places |
申请人数/录取人数 |
12,315/1,945 |
Applications/places ratio |
申请录取率 |
6.3:1 |
EU students |
欧盟学生 |
1.5% |
Other overseas students |
海外学生 |
1.5% |
Mature |
成年学生 |
13.1% |
State school educated |
公立学校教育 |
94.4% |
Middle class/working class |
中产/工薪比率 |
61.6%/38.4% |
Student satisfaction 学生满意度 |
Subject |
科目领域 |
% |
Art & Design |
艺术设计 |
78.8 |
Biological Science |
生物科学 |
89.5 |
Business Studies |
商务研究 |
84.9 |
Communication & Media Studies |
传媒和媒体研究 |
80.8 |
Creative Writing |
创作性写作 |
83.7 |
Drama, Dance & Cinematics |
戏剧、舞蹈和电影研究 |
82.1 |
Education |
教育 |
79.6 |
English |
英语 |
85.2 |
Food Science |
食品科学 |
90.0 |
Geography & Environmental Science |
地理和环境科学 |
86.5 |
History |
历史 |
89.2 |
Music |
音乐 |
88.2 |
Philosophy |
哲学 |
82.2 |
Psychology |
心理学 |
86.9 |
Sociology |
社会学 |
78.2 |
Theology & Religious Studies |
神学和宗教研究 |
86.7 |
巴斯泉大学(巴斯斯巴大学)是英国唯一一所荣获“创造性和艺术”与“企业和就业能力”两项“优质教育中心”(CETL)的大学,在“教学质量评估和满意度”上位列英国高校第一,并作为英国国家创新行业的“卓业授课与学习中心”获得英国政府高等教育拨款委员会的资金支持。大学位于城市巴斯,巴斯是英格兰唯一一座名列世界遗产的城市;它的罗马时代的浴室和乔治时代的建筑及古老的修道院都世界闻名。著名的女作家简·奥斯汀也曾经居住在这里。 这里的购物中心、剧院和众多的美术馆为它增添了国际气息,但是另一方面又不失传统风格,被誉为是英国最古典美丽的城市。
巴斯斯巴大学(巴斯泉大学、Bath Spa University)的历史可以追溯到1852年成立的艺术学院。每年约有来自40个国家的7500名学生,学校开设了IFY、本科和研究生学位课程,学科覆盖艺术与设计、表演艺术、教育、人文、商务与管理等等。 它还和欧洲、北亚、东南亚、美国和非洲等地50多所院校建立了联系。
Newton Park
Sion Hill
商科(Times2013 No.24)、教育、艺术是学校的强势专业。在英格兰高等教育拨款委员会(HEFCE)的评估中,学校的英语和环境研究两个专业都获得“优秀”。 在高等教育质量保障局(QAA)的评估中,社会学、环境生物学、艺术与设计、心理学、商务研究、宗教研究和教育学都获得了22分的优秀分数(最高分为24)。学校是英国最好的教师培训基地之一,与全英国400多所中小学合作,并设有TESOL教师资格证书课程。
Corsham Court
源于罗马时代的巴斯是英国唯一一个世界遗产城市,在英格兰历史上占有重要地位,闻名遐尔。 今天巴斯是英国唯一有热温泉的地方,除了有治疗功能的泉水外,它也是一座令人心旷神怡的文化之城。作为18世纪社会名流与富人的聚集地,整个城市蕴藏着深厚的艺术底蕴和古典风尚,著名的女作家简·奥斯汀也曾经居住在这里。
巴斯的河畔分外迷人,罗马时代的浴室和乔治王风格的建筑让人流连忘返。 其他历史性建筑还有皇家新月形王宫、杂技场、修道院、泵房和会议室。 巴斯的餐厅、咖啡馆和茶室的质量和数量都非常著名。
巴斯周围是“自然风光迷人”的乡村,徒步行走和骑自行车都非常方便。 从巴斯开车不到一小时,就可以饱览许多名胜古迹,如切达岩洞、Wookey山洞、Longleat、史前巨型石柱和Glastonbury修道院。
除了艺术与设计专业在锡安山校区外外,其余所有课程都设在牛顿公园校园里。该校园位于风景十分美丽的绿地之上, 整个布局都出自18世纪著名的园林设计师Capability Brown的手笔。 校园里有湖泊、自然保护区、森林和农田,还有众多的历史建筑。 公共汽车往来频繁,大约20分钟就到市区。
校园里有现代化图书馆(就业办公室也在这里)、演讲厅、实验室和研讨室。 学生会(SU)楼里有学生会办公室、一家大型酒吧和公共休息室、一家书店和文具店。 学生会商店里出售各种杂货,并在2003年和2006年赢得了大学最佳商店奖。餐厅则供应各种精心烹调的正餐,也有小点。 业余时学生可以充分利用校园里的社交和体育设施。 Michael Tippett中心里也举办很多表演和展览。 它是巴斯唯一一个专门修建的音乐厅,既为教学服务,也是主要的艺术场馆。 新的大学剧场于2006年10月投入使用,电影导演Ken Loach也是赞助人之一。 创造性音乐技术系是欧洲首家通过验证的数字式培训基地,拥有两间设备非常齐全的数字式录音室,配备了苹果Mac G4s电脑,运行Pro Tools和Logic Audio Platinum软件。此外这里还有三个苹果Mac G4 Pro Tools/Logic Audio实验室,里面的每台机器都支持样本制作、合成和硬盘录制。 Midge Ure对它的评价是:“音乐家的迪斯尼乐园”。
艺术与设计课程,及英语语言系都在锡安山校园里,它位于巴斯北边。英语语言系全年开设“非母语英语课程”和暑期英语班。 这个校园里既有现代化大楼,也有巴斯得以闻名的乔治时代的新月王宫等古代建筑。 校园周围都是美丽的花园。起初这些花园属于一栋19世纪的大厦。 后来这座大厦毁于战火,但是花园却幸存了下来。 校园里的设施包括一个图书馆、由乔治时代的连排房屋改建而成的学生宿舍、一家文具店、学生会办公室、一家酒吧和餐厅。 此外这里还有一个藏有约4万张幻灯片的幻灯图书馆。 工作区里有平面造型设计创作室;电子媒体工作室;艺术、纺织品和雕塑创作室;木、铜板画、平版印刷和丝网印刷工作室,和摄影暗房。
作为巴斯斯巴大学的学生,你将有机会成为一个“小池塘里的大鱼” - 巴斯泉大学的规模较小,不会让 人心生畏惧,学校对国际学生的支持十分有力,周围的环境非常安全。 在这里你可不仅仅是一名普通学生。这里友好的气氛将让你在挖掘学业潜力的同时,还能充分提高个人素质。 国际办公室负责协助国际学生进行申请,为他们提供抵达信息、安排住宿和解决一般性的福利事宜。 国际学生顾问组织各种社交和旅游活动(国际学生免费参加),还指导他们如何移民、开设银行帐户和在英国工作等。
福利干事则负责在短期内协助学生解决社交和情感上的问题。如果学生需要长期的支持,该干事可以介绍他们到合适的人员那里。 学生的经济困难也将由该干事负责协助解决。
当地医院的医生将为所有在医疗服务中心注册了的学生提供医疗服务。 每周三上午和周五下午在牛顿公园校园进行门诊,周一下午在锡安山校园,菲尔飞尔德公园(医院所在地)的门诊时间则是从周一至周六。
巴斯泉大学的学生会由学生负责,为学生服务。 它的目的就是照顾在校学习生活的学生的需求。 和英国大部分学生会一样,巴斯泉大学的学生会也有很多俱乐部和社团,包括曲棍球、男子和女子橄榄球、男子和女子足球、基督教联合会、功夫、柔道、人权、游泳、非洲鼓乐和诗歌等。 来自亚洲国际的学生还组织了一个“亚洲之家社团”。
学校的两个校园里都各有一家学生会开的酒吧。 晚上这里举行的娱乐活动非常丰富。 过去在此表演过的乐队和艺人有Jools Holland、Hot Chocolate、Shed Seven和Shanks ‘n’ Bigfoot。 其他来此表演过的还有Hugh Lennon和他鼎鼎有名的Hypno狗、Fluffy兄弟和the Valentine Flyguy。 学校在举行大型活动如夏季舞会、帐篷晚会和新生晚会时,都会租来大帐篷搭在校园里。
您可以从Newton Park乘坐418路公交车到市中心,晚上7点之前每20分钟有一班,之后直到凌晨2:30每小时有一班车。车费为3英镑。做火车到伦敦也只要90分钟的时间。
但是在Newton Park学生公寓住宿的学生是不允许在学校停私人汽车的。
学校为75%的新生提供宿舍,如果你恰好是25%中没有分配到宿舍的学生,学校会帮助你和其他同学一起申请scheme house。研究生不提供住宿。外国留学生需要通过International Activities来申请住宿。
注: 一些学科需要申请者提供相关的材料,例如Portfolio,请提供电子文档的作品集,最好以PDF或者PPT格式,大小不超过5M。
巴斯泉大学为达到要求的本科生和研究生课程提供部分奖学金。 每份奖学金按课程发放,金额为500~1000磅。 申请可通过巴斯泉大学中国办公室申请。
留学费用:10,905.0 英镑
留学费用:10,905.0 英镑
Newton Park, Newton St Loe, Bath, BA2 9BN
Newton Park/Sion Hill
UK/EU fees£9,000
Fees (placement/overseas year)£1,800/£1,350
Fees (international)£10,905-£11,665
Household income below £25K, 320 bursaries with priority criteria: £1,000 cash in years 1 and 2, £1,500 in year 3.
A range of scholarships and bursaries are available.
大学概况University Profile
The opening in June of the new Bath Spa Learning Commons building on the main Newton Park campus marked a giant leap forward in the quality of facilities at Bath Spa.
Containing 1,800 square metres of technology-enabled flexible study space and digital facilities for teaching media-related courses that the university claims are the best in the southwest, the building is part of a £70m reboot of Newton Park that also includes soon-to-be-completed residences for more than 560 students.
The new development is at the heart of Bath Spa’s focus on creativity, culture and enterprise. It is hoping to build a greater international profile – and recruit up to 15% of its students from abroad – through a series of initiatives.
The university has helped to found the Global Academy of Liberal Arts (Gala), bringing together a number of universities from around the world. It has also established Bath Spa Global, which will see the first 60 students admitted to a new International First Year in 2014. The programme will provide additional support to help international students to integrate within the UK education system before they progress to full degree programmes. They will receive language tuition, academic instruction and information on UK history and culture, as well as the opportunity to become involved in local community projects.
There will also be a Bath Spa Global School of Business and Entrepreneurship, offering one of the few degree programmes in Europe to combine design thinking with global business, entrepreneurship and creativity. All students can collect a Global Citizenship award by completing a module that covers a range of cross-cutting issues with relevance to all subjects in the arts, humanities and sciences.
There are four-year Integrated Masters courses in a number of creative subjects – a relatively unusual model in the arts and humanities, but one that offers advantages to students in terms of funding and progression opportunities.
Bath Spa is building a reputation for expertise in the field of Creative Computing, with several new courses coming online, ranging from software development to gaming, and a growing number of PhD students are joining the new Centre for Creative Computing.
Bath Spa is one of the higher ranking modern universities – it gained university title in 2005, although it’s history goes back 160 years – achieving consistently good scores in the annual National Student Survey (NSS) and with a low dropout rate, this year’s 8.2% figure well below the expected level of around 9.6%.
Students particularly praise Bath Spa’s teaching quality in the NSS. The word is clearly out as Bath Spa is currently enjoying an increase in undergraduate applications above the national average.
The university’s Newton Park headquarters, four miles outside the World Heritage city of Bath, is in grounds landscaped by Capability Brown in the 18th century, with a handsome Georgian manor house owned by the Duchy of Cornwall as its centrepiece.
Newton Park is the base for all students except those taking art and design subjects, and provides a study environment where historic buildings – such as the scheduled ancient monument gatehouse from the 14th century that is home to the Creative Writing Centre – blend sympathetically with modern facilities.
A second campus at Sion Hill, in Bath itself, houses the Bath School of Art and Design. It has recently undergone a £6m makeover and boasts facilities that are among the most modern in the country.
The university also has a postgraduate centre at Corsham Court, a 16th-century manor house near Chippenham, and is establishing the specialist Bath Spa Institute for Education at Hartham Park in Corsham, offering a range education study and research opportunities. About a third of the students are postgraduates, including a large cohort training to be teachers.
Half of the subjects in which the university entered the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise (art and design, communication, cultural and media studies, English, history and music) were judged to have some world-leading work.
The appointment of some high profile professors (such as Fay Weldon and Gavin Turk) has strengthened the university’s profile for both research and teaching in key areas such as creative writing and art and design.
Despite a setting that would seem to be a magnet for applicants from independent schools, almost 95% of the home intake is state-educated and just under 40% are from working-class homes. Two-thirds of the students are female, reflecting the arts and social science bias in the curriculum and a quarter are over 25.
Currently about 90% of first years who are eligible for university accommodation are offered places, but with the new student village at Newton Park about to open, it will be possible for a higher percentage of students across all years to be housed.
Sports facilities are not extensive, but a new gym in the students’ union has improved them, and some of the university’s sports teams do well in local competitions.
Student view
Emma Weskin, students’ union officer
First impressions
A small campus with the most welcoming staff.
Worst feature
Bath can be distracting, there are too many pretty places.
Making a difference
Our mental health campaign was a huge success, with more than 900 pledges to stamp out stigma.
Deal clincher
You will instantly feel very much at home.